Blog 6 5/7: Part 1 is done

 This week I moved on from my first Deck, but before I leave it behind, I want to show you a bunch of my own cards as well as two or three ones I found to put in the deck.

But first. some of these cards will not have any art, this is because I ascribe to the r/custommagic rules of always finding credited art. credited art is often very hard to find, and because I want to do 2 I don't think it is worth the effort to source 50+ pieces of art, however for certain major spells art will be sourced, now on to the cards!!!!!

One of the big challenges in design is making sure that all the colors do their own thing, so a white card cant be indistinguishable from a red card. This is often called the color pie, a set of things that some colors do well and some things they do badly. for instance, white is the weakest color as it comes to drawing cards, while blue is the strongest.

one of the problems with this is some parts of the game are necessary like drawing cards or playing lands, both of which white is weak at, however, this card tries to tackle that in a way that feels white.

white is all about having a lot of creatures so this card requires a lot of creatures and then turns them into extra lands

another way to tackle Ramp (putting extra lands into play) in white is using symmetrical effects. this card allows people to ramp as long as an opponent can as well. Honored deal also breaks this symmetry by allowing you to get any land while restricting your opponent to only get a basic.

Symmetrical effects are a way to make white better at certain things within the color pie, I have used this technique in other cards as well such as Second Wind from last week.

Here is probably the weirdest card I have designed. this card has a powerful effect, creating 8 power out of tokens, however, this effect is incredibly hard to utilize, as this creature cannot be killed by or even participate in combat, this makes it much harder to kill. however large-scale effects that kill all creatures activate this meaning that while other players are recovering from everything being destroyed you still have a number of creatures to use.

this card fills a different purpose than the other ones in this deck. rather than a card that is fully meant for this deck, this card also has a major possibility of being used in other formats as well, where its effect can be utilized by other cards

Finally, this is one of many cards in this deck that is known as an anthem (Named after glorious anthem, one of the first cards to do this) Glory of Gold allows you to give your creatures a statistics bonus for a small price (in this case the price is actually the cost of glorious anthem, as an homage) this turns on many effects such as venerated and also allows you to outright win games for the right cost

A glorious effect indeed, if you can afford it

Until next time, I will keep grinding. May you win every match you play!!!
