Blog 4 4/23: You Have Enabled me

 This week I went straight back into design, creating a massive amount of cards for my mono white deck. here is where I should explain something i have learned while looking at recent set designs in the real world.

in order to encourage a deck to play a certain way, you need enablers, cards that actively help a strategy. an example in my white deck would be my card, Hound of glorious victories. which enables my strategy of having a lot of tokens, then giving them all a boost to attack for a lethal amount of damage.

this enabler clearly demonstrates the decks goals and game plan by clearly showing what you should be doing all in one card

On the Other hand there are some cards that use this game plan but don't directly help it, these can also intuitively direct players. Benefit of experience does this with my own created Star mechanic for this deck, venerated. Venerated looks at a creature and if it has a changed power and toughness (the +1/+0 from hound of glorious victories for instance). here it reduces the cost on an important spell.

even though the spell itself doesn't aid our game plan, it tells the player what part of the game plan is. and uses the plan to create an efficient removal spell

Fortunately I am about 50% through the first deck, with more on that in next weeks update.


  1. When I used to play MTG, I made decks only with the thoughts of color, cost, and type (creature, spell, land), but I didn't actually think about specific roles cards play/enable strategy. It is interesting how certain cards can kind of start a chain that leads to good combos.

  2. It's crazy how much thought has to be put into each card and how it interacts with every other card in order to help achieve the goals of the deck. Nice progress!


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