3/26 Blog 1: A new hope

What happens today? well, brainstorming is getting done. see i have my goal ahead, two premade decks all my own custom creations. now to those unfamiliar with me you may be saying "who is this guy, why am i reading this, I should stop" those who know me a little may say "100 custom cards doesn't seem too bad" and those who know me well are saying "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU SHOULD STOP!!!!".Weirdly all 3 people would be correct.

    In order to tackle this task I must start my brainstorming. the first consideration is what power level would you like this to be at. now that one is easy, as I am basing this off of an existing product i want it to be at a similar strength, commander preconstructed decks are  a medium power level, not a turn 3 win but not a turn 16 win either (most commander decks of this level win turn 10 or so). next I want to know something, what colors should  I make these decks, this is important because the color determines what strategies I can put into this. after a lot of consideration I decided on white as one of them. white is often the color of life gain and tokens, and I think I want to run in that direction. I got a bit distracted and have not yet decided on the second ones color. however my distraction allowed me to create two test commanders (the head card in the set) for white to see what direction I want to go in.

1. Mynan

i decided i wanted to make one based on tokens. this one is telling the story of a overthrown king. at first he builds up his forces and when he is finally strong enough he can (literally) retake his lands. i like this design and i think it is my stronger one, but I wonder if its a bit too powerful. it allows you to get really ahead with its second ability, giving you more lands.

2. Serana

This one is okay. this one tells the story of a healer who resurrects her fallen healers as well. I think this one leads me to a more constricted space, forcing me into a lifelink matters theme. it is a safer more balanced option.

The Round Up

1. brainstormed ideas for my first deck. and have created two possible directions for it. the second deck will need more thought.

2. I'm worrying a bit about balance.

3. contacted some people to ask questions (Saffronolive, a professional streamer and magic enthusiast. and Phil Gallagher, a professional player)

My mission Statement: I have been Playing Magic ever since my uncle gave us the last remaining remnants of an old priceless collection when I was seven, I have been playing ever since. I have played at every nonprofessional level (I hope to change that soon), and I had thought I have seen this game at every aspect, however I realized I have never been behind the scenes. So now, with the current community contacts I have plus the ones I hope to make, along with the power of technology and podcasts. I hope to make two custom commander preconstructed decks, like the ones sold by wizards of the coast. I hope to complete two decks and play with them by the time this project is over.


Brainstorming done on April 9th

First deck done April 23rd

Second deck done May 21st

Playtest May 22nd

Revisions done May 29th


  1. In the past I have tried to create games of my own, but nothing to the scale of this. I can definitely relate to your worry of balancing, as you never really know what players will do, only what you think should be done.

  2. I think this is a cool start, and it's good that you are brave enough to try to balance a game like Magic. It sounds like you have a good idea about your plan, but I think it would be interesting to create two different types of decks, just so theres some more variety, and so you make sure you don't get bored (obviously, it's completely up to you).

  3. It's interesting how much strategy goes into these kinds of games. I wonder what your strategy is to try and weigh all of the different options you have.


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