Basics (If you dont know how to play Magic: The Gathering READ THIS)

 I would Assume it is possible that one could read my blog knowing nothing about the game, however i assume it would be like an orangutan attempting to understand the Highland Scottish accent. you being smarter than both these apes, Chose to read this. Fortunately you do not need to understand too much about Magic: The Gathering (hereby known as MTG for my own limited and fragile sanity). assuming you know nothing or next to nothing here are resources for discovering the basics of the game. you only need a cursory knowledge of the game, if anything complex comes up (it will) i will do my best to explain it

alternatively if you like repeatedly bashing your head into a wall while attempting to read all 250 pages of the rules now you can do it in any text format you want, docx txt or even pdf: if you manage to get through this massive legal text, you are 3/4 to the way to a L1 judge

this video is great at helping explain commander I am building the product he shows off at the end
